
Showing posts from April, 2021

Post #5: What's For Dinner?

  If you could have anything for dinner what would it be? Steak? Pizza? Lobster? Pretend that you have to cook dinner for your family and you have to plan the menu, tell me "What's for Dinner?" Tell me the main dish, side dish, dessert, beverages that you would serve at tonight's meal. You may also include how you would make your food, or what you would have to do to get ready to bring it to your table. Remember, 5 sentences, title, picture, and 5 comments on other student's blogs. Have fun with this one, anything is possible.

Post #4: Dream Pet

  Today you will tell me about your dream pet. It can be anything real or fictional, alive or dead. It can be a shark, a bigfoot, a liger. Tell me where you got him, why you got him, what you will do together, how other people would feel about him, or anything else you can possibly think of. Have fun, be creative, anything is possible. Remember to number and title your blog, 5 sentences, 1 picture. When you are done go to your reading list and read your classmate's posts. Leave comments on 5 posts.

Post #3: Do You Believe?

  What are your thoughts on Cryptozoology?  Don't know what that is?  Google it, then write your post on what you think about it. If you could choose one example as your favorite, what would it be?  Remember 5 sentences, title your blog post, add a picture. 

Post #2: What Are You Watching?

  Television, along with what and how we watch, has changed drastically over the last years (especially during the pandemic). What TV/Streaming show have you enjoyed the most this year? What do you like about the show? If you are looking forward to a new show starting, why are you excited to see it?  Remember 5 sentences, a picture, and a title are required!

Post #1: My Favorite Place in California

  Good Morning Class, Please write a paragraph about your favorite place in the state of California. Find an image to show that place,  You must write a minimum of 5 sentences. ALL BLOGS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 5 SENTENCES AND INCLUDE AN IMAGE. Many call Disneyland "The Happiest Place on Earth" and our family is no exception. Every time we venture down to the magic kingdom we always have a great time! I have two favorite rides, Space Mountain and Soaring over California. I like Space Mountain because it is a fast, smooth roller coaster ride set to music!   Soaring over California is my other favorite because I feel like a bird flying over the most beautiful parts of our state. When you are done with your post, go to the Google Form I posted in Google Classroom.  You will add your blog address (URL) to this form.  I will give instructions on how to do this!!!!