
Post #25: If I Could Choose One Superpower

If you were given the opportunity to have one superpower, what would it be? Would it be invisibility, super-strength, the ability to fly, or something totally different? What would you do with this superpower? Remember 5 sentences minimum, one image, and make a comment on 5 other posts.  

Post #24: Three Wishes

If you found a genie in a lamp or a bottle and had 3 wishes, what would they be? Stick to the Disney genie rules... You  Can't kill anyone, can't make people fall in love and can't bring anyone back from the dead, and of course, no wishing for more wishes.

Post #23: Bad Habit

Everyone has at least one bad habit.  What is your bad habit or what bad habit of others bothers you the most?  Remember 5 sentences minimum, one image, and post a comment on 5 other posts.

Post #22: Sky or Scuba?

Would you rather jump out of a plane or go scuba diving? Why?  Tell us why you would choose one over the other, or tell us why you would NEVER do one or both.

Post #21: Food I Refuse to Eat

Monday, May 24th is both National Asparagus and National Escargot Day .  Speaking of two foods I refuse to eat... what foods do you dislike or refuse to eat? Explain to others why you don't like these foods. Remember, 5 sentences minimum, include an image, and make a comment on 5 other student blogs.      

Post #20: Best Gift Ever!

  Gifts are often the focus of Christmas and birthdays. Describe the best gift you have GIVEN someone else. Explain who that person was, what you gave them, why you gave them that specific gift, and what made that gift-giving experience special? Or describe the best gift you ever RECEIVED from someone else.  Who gave it to you, what did they give you, why they gave it to you and what made it so special?

Post #19: Travel Back in Time

If you could go back in time anywhere and "anywhen," where/when would you go and why? Don't forget to include a picture.  Your post must be at least 5 sentences. When you are done visit 5 other posts and leave a comment.